About Me:
My name is Huda Halani and I am currently pursuing a degree in computer engineering at the University of Toronto. This summer I am grateful that I was accepted as Headstarter AI Software Engineering Fellow, and plan on learning a lot and completing several projects. I am excited to explore opportunities that allow me to utilize my engineering and problem solving expertise to make a positive impact on the world around me. I love to cook, read, and run outdoors in my spare time.
In the summer of 2024 I joined Headstarter AI, and in a group of 4 I made several projects using AI. We made a AI university information chat bot directed towards highschool students to aid them in making their decision, we made an AI rate my professor, and an AI flashcard generator. I learnt how to use several technologies such as Firebase, Node.js, React, Material-UI, Stripe, and more.
By watching YouTube videos, I learned how to create a website using HTML. This experience taught me how to seek knowledge independently and ignited my passion for coding and web development. While this design is relatively simple, I'm excited to explore new ideas and continue improving the website in the future.
Throughout second semester of first year, during my 'Electric Fields and Circuits' course, we were paired up and built a series of circuits. I participated in various hands-on labs that enhanced my practical understanding of electrical and computer engineering principles.
Utilizing Fusion 360, we designed and tested a prototype that met our client's specific requirements. After working closely with our client for weeks, we presented our solution, and he was thoroughly impressed with our extensive research and attention to detail.
Word Search
Puzzle in C
Using C, I created a word search program in which the user could enter the puzzle, then input a word to find and the program would return the location and direction of the typed up word.
is the code I developed.
Using C, I coded the game ‘Reversi’ which is a two-player game in which players place tiles on the board to capture the opponent’s pieces until the board is fully occupied.
As a member of a collaborative team of engineers, we worked on a project focused on addressing accessibility challenges within a UofT building.
During high school, I took a construction course where I explored hands-on projects and design. I learnt how to work as a team and follow safety protocols while using powertools, and how to use Google Sketchup.